
Methods in Biodiversity Analysis


Please introduce each other, mentioning at least the following:

Prerequisites and assumptions

Learning goals

Course outline

Lectures in the morning, practicals in the afternoon, presentation, report, exam.

Week 1: Molecular Biodiversity

Week 2: Geospatial Patterns

Week 3: Comparative Analysis

Week 4: Wrap-up and Exam

Red thread / model organisms

Some exercises across the weeks will deal with the same model organisms, for which we all pick our own staple food crop:

Guest lectures

Note that the guest lectures are where absenteeism is recorded (10% of final grade).

Methods in Biodiversity Analysis as well as the following courses are compulsory in the master Biodiversity and Sustainability, 2018-2019:

In addition, Methods in Biodiversity Analysis is an elective in the following Biology Masters:

Teaching materials



