
Introduction to biodiversity and data science

What is biodiversity?

Species richness

Species accumulation curves for pollinator, plant, bee and syrphid diversity with 95% confidence intervals using the method “random” in the package vegan from the statistical program R

(From: EI Hennig & J Ghazoul, 2012. Pollinating animals in the urban environment. Urban Ecosystems 15(1): 149–166 doi:10.1007/s11252-011-0202-7)

Biases among biodiversity data sets are pervasive:

Broad spatial patterns of species richness

Uncertainty in species-area relationships

F Guilhaumon, O Gimenez, KJ Gaston, & D Mouillot, 2008. Taxonomic and regional uncertainty in species-area relationships and the identification of richness hotspots. PNAS 105(40): 15458–15463 doi:10.1073/pnas.0803610105

Incorporating relatedness and evolutionary history

MW Cadotte, BJ Cardinale, & TH Oakley, 2008. Evolutionary history and the effect of biodiversity on plant productivity. PNAS 105(44): 17012–17017 doi:10.1073/pnas.0805962105

Phylogenetic diversity versus species diversity

TJ Davies & LB Buckley, 2011. Phylogenetic diversity as a window into the evolutionary and biogeographic histories of present-day richness gradients for mammals. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 366: 2414–2425 doi:10.1098/rstb.2011.0058

Residuals (millions of years) from a LOESS regression of cell PD against cell species number. Blue = less PD than expected, red = more than expected.

Functional diversity

OL Petchey & KJ Gaston, 2006. Functional diversity: back to basics and looking forward. Ecology Letters 9(6): 741–758 doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2006.00924.x

Functional diversity concerns the range of things that organisms do (mediated by their traits) in communities and ecosystems. Selecting and analyzing traits to incorporate in FD calculations is complicated:

Functional diversity versus species diversity

RD Stuart-Smith et al., 2013. Integrating abundance and functional traits reveals new global hotspots of fish diversity. Nature 501: 539–542 doi:10.1038/nature12529

In reef fish diversity, highest diversity at the equator, and decreasing towards the poles, with highest diversity concentrated in the so-called ‘Coral Triangle.’

…But if we look at not just richness, but what species are doing, we find a very different pattern. This map suggests that the Coral Triangle is one of the least functionally diverse places on the planet. In other words, it harbors a lot of species, but in general, they are all doing more or less the same thing.

Broad spatial patterns of functional diversity

Source: 10.1038/nature12529

How different diversity measures interact

PL Thompson, TJ Davies & A Gonzalez, 2015. Ecosystem Functions across Trophic Levels Are Linked to Functional and Phylogenetic Diversity. PLoS ONE 10(2): e0117595 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0117595

Hypothesized relationships between ecosystem function and species richness (a), functional diversity (b), and phylogenetic diversity (c).

We predict a stronger relationship with ecosystem function, and thus a higher R2, for functional diversity (b) and phylogenetic diversity (c) than for species richness (a) because the former two measures incorporate information about the traits, or the evolutionary similarity of the different species in the community. Panel (d) depicts the results of variation partitioning, indicating our hypothesis that functional and phylogenetic diversity will explain all of the variation explained by species richness, as well as additional variation, both overlapping and unique.

Dynamics of biodiversity

Research questions surrounding, for example, latitudinal gradients in diversity can thus be couched in terms of α, β and γ diversity.

Measuring biodiversity

Biodiversity data

The “data life cycle”

Biodiversity data, like all research data, needs to be managed properly throughout the data life cycle:

“Data science”

Data science is concerned with the dirty work throughout the data cycle:

Representation and modeling of collected data

Data processing

Methods in biodiversity data analysis

Biomolecular sequences

Geospatial data

Traits and characters

Data management

Analysis workflows

Tools of the trade