charactersRecord layout:
+identifier - note paired-end sequencing+
- separator between sequence and qualityExample:
Phred quality scores Q are defined as a property which is logarithmically related to the base-calling error probabilities P.
Q = -10 log10 P
For example, if Phred assigns a quality score of 30 to a base, the chances that this base is called incorrectly are 1 in 1000.
Phred Quality Score | Probability of incorrect base call | Base call accuracy |
10 | 1 in 10 | 90% |
20 | 1 in 100 | 99% |
30 | 1 in 1000 | 99.9% |
40 | 1 in 10,000 | 99.99% |
50 | 1 in 100,000 | 99.999% |
60 | 1 in 1,000,000 | 99.9999% |
Different platforms map phred scores in different ways to ASCII:
code | char | code | char | code | char | code | char | code | char | code | char |
33 | ! | 49 | 1 | 65 | A | 81 | Q | 97 | a | 113 | q |
34 | ” | 50 | 2 | 66 | B | 82 | R | 98 | b | 114 | r |
35 | # | 51 | 3 | 67 | C | 83 | S | 99 | c | 115 | s |
36 | $ | 52 | 4 | 68 | D | 84 | T | 100 | d | 116 | t |
37 | % | 53 | 5 | 69 | E | 85 | U | 101 | e | 117 | u |
38 | & | 54 | 6 | 70 | F | 86 | V | 102 | f | 118 | v |
39 | ’ | 55 | 7 | 71 | G | 87 | W | 103 | g | 119 | w |
40 | ( | 56 | 8 | 72 | H | 88 | X | 104 | h | 120 | x |
41 | ) | 57 | 9 | 73 | I | 89 | Y | 105 | i | 121 | y |
42 | * | 58 | : | 74 | J | 90 | Z | 106 | j | 122 | z |
43 | + | 59 | ; | 75 | K | 91 | [ | 107 | k | 123 | { |
44 | , | 60 | < | 76 | L | 92 | \ | 108 | l | 124 | | |
45 | - | 61 | = | 77 | M | 93 | ] | 109 | m | 125 | } |
46 | . | 62 | > | 78 | N | 94 | ^ | 110 | n | 126 | ~ |
47 | / | 63 | ? | 79 | O | 95 | _ | 111 | o | ||
48 | 0 | 64 | @ | 80 | P | 96 | ` | 112 | p |
Example alignment:
Coor 12345678901234 5678901234567890123456789012345
+r003 gcctaAGCTAA
+r004 ATAGCT..............TCAGC
-r003 ttagctTAGGC
and r001/2
constitute a read pairr003
is a chimeric readr004
represents a split alignmentExample:
@HD VN:1.5 SO:coordinate
@SQ SN:ref LN:45
r001 99 ref 7 30 8M2I4M1D3M = 37 39 TTAGATAAAGGATACTG *
r002 0 ref 9 30 3S6M1P1I4M * 0 0 AAAAGATAAGGATA *
r003 0 ref 9 30 5S6M * 0 0 GCCTAAGCTAA *
r004 0 ref 16 30 6M14N5M * 0 0 ATAGCTTCAGC *
r003 2064 ref 29 17 6H5M * 0 0 TAGGC *
r001 147 ref 37 30 9M = 7 -39 CAGCGGCAT *
Mandatory columns:
No. | Name | Description |
1 | QNAME | Query NAME of the read or the read pair |
2 | FLAG | Bitwise FLAG (pairing, strand, mate strand, etc.) |
3 | RNAME | Reference sequence NAME |
4 | POS | 1-Based leftmost POSition of clipped alignment |
5 | MAPQ | MAPping Quality (Phred-scaled) |
6 | CIGAR | Extended CIGAR string (operations: MIDNSHP) |
7 | MRNM | Mate Reference NaMe (‘=’ if same as RNAME) |
8 | MPOS | 1-Based leftmost Mate POSition |
9 | ISIZE | Inferred Insert SIZE |
10 | SEQ | Query SEQuence on the same strand as the reference |
11 | QUAL | Query QUALity (ASCII-33=Phred base quality) |
The sequence being aligned to a reference may have additional bases that are not in the reference or may be missing bases that are in the reference. The CIGAR string is a sequence of base lengths and the associated operation. They are used to indicate things like which bases align (either a match/mismatch) with the reference, are deleted from the reference, and are insertions that are not in the reference. For example:
RefPos: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Reference: C C A T A C T G A A C T G A C T A A C
Aligning these two:
RefPos: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Reference: C C A T A C T G A A C T G A C T A A C
Read: A C T A G A A T G G C T
With the alignment above, you get:
POS: 5
The POS indicates that the read aligns starting at position 5 on the reference. The CIGAR says that the first 3 bases in the read sequence align with the reference. The next base in the read does not exist in the reference. Then 3 bases align with the reference. The next reference base does not exist in the read sequence, then 5 more bases align with the reference. Note that at position 14, the base in the read is different than the reference, but it still counts as an M since it aligns to that position.
2x | Value (Hex) | Value (Decimal) | Bits | SAM property |
20 | 1 | 1 | 000000000001 | are there multiple fragments? |
21 | 2 | 2 | 000000000010 | are all fragments properly aligned? |
22 | 4 | 4 | 000000000100 | is this fragment unmapped? |
23 | 8 | 8 | 000000001000 | is the next fragment unmapped? |
24 | 10hex | 16 | 000000010000 | is this query the reverse strand? |
25 | 20hex | 32 | 000000100000 | is the next fragment the reverse strand? |
26 | 40hex | 64 | 000001000000 | is this the 1st fragment? |
27 | 80hex | 128 | 000010000000 | is this the last fragment? |
28 | 100hex | 256 | 000100000000 | is this a secondary alignment? |
29 | 200hex | 512 | 001000000000 | did this read fail quality controls? |
2A | 400hex | 1024 | 010000000000 | is this read a PCR or optical duplicate? |
2B | 800hex | 2048 | 100000000000 | supplementary alignment |
The values in the FLAG
column (2) correspond to bitwise flags as follows:
FLAG | hex | Explanation |
99 | 0x63 | first/next is reverse-complemented/properly aligned/multiple segments |
0 | no flags set, thus a mapped single segment | |
2064 | 0x810 | supplementary/reversecomplemented |
147 | 0x93 | last (second of a pair)/reverse-complemented/properly aligned/multiple segments |
Using the flags, we can filter the reads in a BAM file using samtools:
$ samtools view -f 4 file.bam > unmapped.sam
If you load a SAM/BAM file in a genome browser (e.g. UCSC) you might want to load additional ‘tracks’ alongside the alignment. For this the BED format is used.
track name=pairedReads description="Clone Paired Reads" useScore=1
chr22 1000 5000 cloneA 960 + 1000 5000 0 2 567,488, 0,3512
chr22 2000 6000 cloneB 900 - 2000 6000 0 2 433,399, 0,3601
##contig=<ID=20,length=62435964,assembly=B36,md5=f126cdf8a6e0c7f379d618ff66beb2da,species="Homo sapiens",taxonomy=x>
##INFO=<ID=NS,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Number of Samples With Data">
##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Total Depth">
##INFO=<ID=AF,Number=A,Type=Float,Description="Allele Frequency">
##INFO=<ID=AA,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Ancestral Allele">
##INFO=<ID=DB,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="dbSNP membership, build 129">
##INFO=<ID=H2,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="HapMap2 membership">
##FILTER=<ID=q10,Description="Quality below 10">
##FILTER=<ID=s50,Description="Less than 50% of samples have data">
##FORMAT=<ID=GQ,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Genotype Quality">
##FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Read Depth">
##FORMAT=<ID=HQ,Number=2,Type=Integer,Description="Haplotype Quality">
20 14370 rs6054257 G A 29 PASS NS=3;DP=14;AF=0.5;DB;H2 GT:GQ:DP:HQ 0|0:48:1:51,51 1|0:48:8:51,51 1/1:43:5:.,.
20 17330 . T A 3 q10 NS=3;DP=11;AF=0.017 GT:GQ:DP:HQ 0|0:49:3:58,50 0|1:3:5:65,3 0/0:41:3
20 1110696 rs6040355 A G,T 67 PASS NS=2;DP=10;AF=0.333,0.667;AA=T;DB GT:GQ:DP:HQ 1|2:21:6:23,27 2|1:2:0:18,2 2/2:35:4
20 1230237 . T . 47 PASS NS=3;DP=13;AA=T GT:GQ:DP:HQ 0|0:54:7:56,60 0|0:48:4:51,51 0/0:61:2
20 1234567 microsat1 GTC G,GTCT 50 PASS NS=3;DP=9;AA=G GT:GQ:DP 0/1:35:4 0/2:17:2 1/1:40:3
Genotype data are given for three samples, two of which are phased and the third unphased, with per sample genotype quality, depth and haplotype qualities (the latter only for the phased samples) given as well as the genotypes. The microsatellite calls are unphased.
Once a plausible sequence has been generated (e.g. by doing a de novo assembly or by computing a consensus from a genome alignment) the next step might be to annotate it, i.e. predict ORFs and scan databases for homologies. Such genome annotations are stored in GFF files:
contig_1 maker gene 1797 7025 . + . ID=CR513_016834;Name=CR513_016834;Alias=maker-contig_1-snap-gene-0.0;Note=Similar to SCAI: Protein SCAI (Homo sapiens);
contig_1 maker five_prime_UTR 1797 1954 . + . ID=CR513_016834-RA:five_prime_utr;Parent=CR513_016834-RA;
contig_1 maker CDS 1955 2095 . + 0 ID=CR513_016834-RA:cds;Parent=CR513_016834-RA;
contig_1 maker CDS 2223 2359 . + 0 ID=CR513_016834-RA:cds;Parent=CR513_016834-RA;
contig_1 maker CDS 6748 6979 . + 1 ID=CR513_016834-RA:cds;Parent=CR513_016834-RA;
contig_1 maker three_prime_UTR 6980 7025 . + . ID=CR513_016834-RA:three_prime_utr;Parent=CR513_016834-RA;