Case studies of genome sequencing in biodiversity research
Genetic diversity: tomato relatives
Aflitos et al., 2014. Exploring genetic variation in the tomato (Solanum section
Lycopersicon) clade by whole-genome sequencing The Plant Journal 80(1): 136–148
- 84 accessions, 2.9 × 1012
base pairs sequenced
- coverage of 36.7 ± 2.3-fold per accession (32.5 ± 2.1-fold for Phred (Q) ≥ 30)
- paired end sequencing (Illumina HiSeq 2000, read length 100 bp) with insert size 500 bp
- 4 accessions additional mate pair sequencing (Illumina and 454) with larger insert sizes
This project includes the sequencing of ancient
herbarium specimens from
the Naturalis collection.
De novo assembly
- 3 genomes of species in Solanum section Lycopersicon assembled de novo with
- 1 genome both with CLC and AllPaths-LG (to compare)
- contigs from AllPaths-LG were then scaffolded using the 454 data and the
scarpa scaffolder
Mapping to multiple reference genomes
- reads were mapped against assemblies of S. lycopersicum, S. arcanum,
S. habrochaites and S. pennellii and against the reference
SL2.40 of S. lycopersicum cv.
- the shifts in the percentages of reads mapped depending on the reference indicates an
abundance of genetic diversity outside of S. lycopersicum cultivars
- mapping assemblies were done using the Burrows-Wheeler Aligner
Variant calling
- variants (SNPs) were called using samtools
- location (intergenic, intro, exon, splicing sites and UTRs) was determined with
reference to the ITAG3.0
- 89.47 ± 3.03% of the polymorphisms fall into intergenic regions
- 7.55 ± 2.19% map to introns
- 2.33 ± 0.68% map to exons, of which:
- 55.17 ± 11.54% are synonymous
- 44.83 ± 21.03% are non-synonymous
Phylogenetic relationships
- SNPs with Q > 20 were concatenated and analyzed using
- bootstrapped
NJ under the
Jukes & Cantor (1969)
substitution model
- SNP numbers for Arcanum, Eriopersicon and Neolycopersicon groups increase sharply,
which correlates with their more distant position in the phylogenetic tree in the tomato
Functional diversity: snake venom
Vonk, FJ et al., 2013. The king cobra genome reveals dynamic gene evolution and
adaptation in the snake venom system. PNAS 110(51): 20651–20656
The king cobra venom system with venom and accessory gland expression profiles. Pie
charts display the normalized percentage abundance of toxin transcripts recovered from
each tissue transcriptome. Three-finger toxins are the most abundant toxin family in the
venom gland (66.73% of all toxin transcripts and 4.37% in the accessory gland)
Sequencing and assembling the King Cobra genome
- paired end (insert size: 200-500 bp) and mate pair (insert size: 2-5 Kbp) sequencing
(Illumina GAIIx, read length 36–151 bp)
- data processing including adaptor clipping
- de novo assembly using CLC, resulting in N50=3,982 bp
- scaffolding using SSPACE, resulting
in an N50=225,511 bp
Venom gene analysis
- the genome was annotated using
MAKER, using protein data from
and the annotated genome of Anolis carolinensis (brief side note: the work on
Caribbean Anoles by the Losos lab)
- on the basis of the MAKER genes and by BLAST searching the genome using known venom
query sequences, gene copies were collected and aligned with
- trees were constructed with MrBayes v3.2 (for
support values) and PHYML (for bifurcating
point estimates)
- MP reconstruction of
transitions between venomous and non-venomous orthologs and paralogs allowed branches
on the PHYML tree to be assigned to venomous or non-venomous in the estimation of
branch-specific dN/dS ratios (ωvenomous and ωnonvenomous) using
Venom gene duplication
- A The vast majority of toxin family gene duplication events occurred in the king
cobra lineage compared with the Burmese python and their common ancestor
- B Comparisons of venom gland expression (log-transformed), venom-related gene
duplication events, and rate of evolution of main toxin families (red) and ancillary
toxin families (green). ω represents the dN/dS ratio identified for venomous gene
clades. The boundary for directional selection is indicated by a bold line.
- C Massive expansion of the
three-finger toxin gene family
- D Moderate expansion of other pathogenic toxin families
- E Ancillary toxin families show reduced evidence of gene duplication
Gene duplication coupled with positive selection is the mechanism underlying venom
protein neofunctionalization. Our results are, therefore, consistent with a prominent
role for prey-driven natural selection in generating the genetic diversity of the most
pathogenic toxin families.
An invasive plant among native insect herbivores
Schilthuizen M et al. 2016. Incorporation of an invasive plant into a native insect
herbivore food web. PeerJ 4:e1954
In open habitats, such as this moorland in the Netherlands, the exotic
Prunus serotina (black cherry) may
spread invasively, as this carpet of seedlings shows. Understanding how phytophagous
insects colonize such invasives is therefore of scientific as well as practical interest.
Herbivores switch to the new invasive
- Assessment of herbarium specimens through time shows increasing herbivory on the
new invasive (A) compared to the native P. padus (B)
- G. quinquepunctata is a model specialist, originally found only on
Sorbus aucuparia, but
recently also observed on P. serotina
- host choice experiments on collected beetles showed that individuals from Sorbus
preferred Sorbus, while those from Prunus showed no significant preference
Sequencing G. quinquepunctata
- 2 individuals (one from each host)
were paired-end sequenced (Illumina HiSeq 2000)
- reads from the individuals were pooled to create a pseudo-reference, assembled with
ABySS, (k-mer length=23, obtained with
- reads from the two individuals were then mapped back against the pseudo-reference
using BWA
SNP calling and selection
- SNPs were called using samtools according to
the following criteria:
- the positions were both homozygous for different alleles between the samples
- had a coverage of at least 10×in each sample
- had flanking regions that were at least 100 bp long with a minimum combined coverage
of at least 15x with a maximum of 2 heterozygous positions
- contigs containing candidate SNPs were validated by BLAST and removing all
non-arthropod contigs
Genotyping host populations
- for a random sample (n=128) of the filtered SNPs, primers were designed using
- an additional 206 beetles from S. aucuparia, and 173 from P. serotina were
collected and genotyped with the
Analysis of Molecular Variance
- SNPs were analyzed using Analysis of Molecular Variance
(AMOVA), which is implemented
in Arlequin and the R package
- The AMOVA produces estimates of variance components and F-statistic analogs,
reflecting the correlation of haplotypic diversity at different levels of hierarchical
subdivision (in this case, of host plants nested within sampling localities).
- The hierarchical AMOVA with host plants nested within localities, showed significant
(P < 0.01) differentiation between host plants in each locality
What was FST again?
STRUCTURE analysis
- STRUCTURE analysis attempts to find the
optimal number of populations (K) to explain the population genetic patterns
- the highest posterior probability was for K=2, but these two groups did not
correspond with host plant nor with locality
- Genotype assignments under K=2. Groups of individuals have been ordered by locality
and then host. In other words, the first half of the individuals are from one host, the
second half from the other. We conclude that host does not affect population stucture.