
Step-by-step analysis of fungal diversity in Galaxy

In this practical, we are going to analyse some HTS data sets (Ion Torrent) for soil fungi in samples taken at different locations along a mountain slope in Argentina. Published papers making use of this data set: Geml et al 2014 (doi: 10.1111/mec.12765) and Nouhra et al 2018 (

The Yungas, a system of tropical and subtropical montane forests on the eastern slopes of the Andes, are extremely diverse and severely threatened by anthropogenic pressure and climate change. We carried out Ion Torrent sequencing of ITS2 rDNA from soil samples taken at multiple sites along the entire latitudinal extent of the Yungas in Argentina. The sampled sites represent the three altitudinal forest types: the piedmont (400–700 m a.s.l.), montane (700–1500 m a.s.l.) and montane cloud (1500–3000 m a.s.l.) forests.

We will work on the Galaxy server of Naturalis Biodiversity Center. Galaxy is a scientific workflow, data integration, and data and analysis persistence and publishing platform that aims to make computational biology accessible to research scientists that do not have computer programming or systems administration experience. It was originally written for biological data analysis, particularly genomics. Naturalis has a personal Galaxy-server through which frequently used scripts (sequence trimming, filtering, clustering, Blast-identification etc.) are made available.

1. Log in on Naturalis Galaxy

Go to

2. Upload sequence data to Galaxy

The data files (a zip archive of ±122MB) can be downloaded here.

Make sure to upload this file unaltered in the next step (ie. prevent your operating system from automatically unarchiving zip files, because rearchiving these files can change the compression method or add hidden files; even though the extension still is .zip).

In Galaxy open the upload window by clicking on the upload icon on the right top of the tool panel.

The upload window will look like the following screenshot.

Drag the archive in to this window or click on the “Choose local file” button. Change the file type to zip by opening the dropdown menu (Auto detection will not recognize zip files!). Then select Start and when the upload is complete, close the window.

You now have a window similar to the one below with the tools we will use in the left panel and the files on the right.

3. Trimming the primers

Our sequencing reads still have primer sequences on both ends (i.e. 5’ and 3’), which have to be removed. We will use a tool called cutadapt, which is available in Galaxy under the Naturalis tools menu as the “Trim primers” tool. The following primers were used:

We are going to use the option where the 5’ primer needs to be present, while the 3’ primer is optional. Your window with settings should look like this:

The following briefly explains the different parameters:

The resulting output zip archive contains the fastq files with trimmed primers. Check the corresponding log file by clicking on View data to see how many sequences were retained for each input file.

4. Trimming the low quality ends

Our reads may also contain base calls with low support. These typically occur on the ends of the reads. We are going to remove them. Use the “Sequence Trimmer” tool. Select the zip archive from the previous step as the input file. Set FASTQ as the format for the input and output.

Phred values are log-scaled, where a quality score of 10 represents a 1 in 10 chance of an incorrect base call and a quality score of 20 represents a 1 in 100 chance of an incorrect base call. Enter 20 as the quality value to trim the sequences from both the 5’ and 3’end. Execute this tool and check the percentage of removed, low quality sequences and bases from each fastq file in the log file.

5. Check length distribution

A good and easy way to check if the primers worked and amplified the target region is to look at the length distribution of the reads. This shows the length of the sequences in your FASTQ files. Beforehand you mostly know the length or range of lengths of your target. The ITS2 region in fungi is about 250 bp long. Check this with the “Sequence analyzer” tool. As input for this tool you use the output of step 4. After executing this tool you will get more information then only the length distribution. Take a look at the Base quality distribution graph as well.

6. Filter on length

As you can see in the output of step 5 there are many short reads. We want to delete very short and very long fragments since they are less reliable. We will again use the “Sequence trimmer” tool. The input file is the zip archive of step 4 ( zip Filtered). Set FASTQ as the format for the input and output and set Minimum read length=120 and Maximum read length=300.

Again, check the log file to see how many sequences were deleted in each of the soil samples by filtering on length.

7. Create an OTU table

We are going to use the tool “vsearch”, first described in a paper by Rognes et al., 2016 ( Select “Make otu table” in the left panel. The tool “VSEARCH with chimera checking” performs a series of steps. There is first a deduplication of the reads. All duplicates will be removed and the amount (abundance) of the duplicates will be added to the fasta header. This abundance is needed for the other steps. Then the sequences will be sorted on abundance, and the read IDs are given additional labels to identify the different soil samples. This is because all the data are merged and the sequences are clustered across all samples - but we still want to be able to recognize where the sequences came from originally, and that information would otherwise be lost.

Subsequently, the sequences are going to be clustered: the ones that are at least 97% similar are all going to end up in the same putative taxon (OTU – Operational Taxonomic Unit – a proxy for species in this case). Set Cluster id to 0.97. Once the clustering is done, we can also figure out which of the sequences are weird singletons. Those are probably artefacts of the sequencing process (chimeras), which we will remove. We will set the minimum abundance before clustering to 2.

Three output files have now been generated. Check the log file to see how many unique sequences this analysis contains and how many clusters at 97% identity were formed (= how many OTUs are present in this dataset). In the sequences file these OTU sequences are displayed in the fasta format. In the OTU table the abundance of each sequence in each of the soil samples is shown. Scroll through these outputs to familiarize yourself with the results.

8. Identify OTUs

We will now compare the OTUs with a reference database to see if we can identify and classify the OTUs. This step will produce the biologically relevant information that we need (though we will process the output a bit more so that we can easily interpret it in a spreadsheet program).

The newly generated sequences file ( zip Filtered Filtered sequences) contains a representative read for every clustered OTU. Select the “Identify reads with blastn and find taxonomy” tool under “Naturalis Tools”. Select the sequences file (fasta format) as input and UNITE (19-04-2019) under Database. The Query Coverage percentage cutoff can be set to 70.

UNITE is a web-based database and sequence management environment for the molecular identification of fungi. It targets the formal fungal barcode—the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region—and offers all ∼1 000 000 public fungal ITS sequences (from GenBank and other public databases) for reference. Fungal metabarcoding struggles with very large numbers of OTUs that cannot be identified to any meaningful taxonomic lineage beyond e.g. the kingdom or phylum level. UNITE regularly clusters all ITS sequences at several sequence similarity thresholds to obtain approximate species-level OTUs referred to as species hypotheses (SHs). These ∼459 000 species hypotheses have been assigned digital object identifiers (DOIs) to promote unambiguous reference across studies. In-house and web-based third-party sequence curation and annotation (to reflect recent nomenclatural and taxonomic changes and to correct the often-suboptimal state of taxonomic annotation in GenBank) have resulted in more than 275 000 improvements to the data over the past 15 years.

The resulting BLAST original taxonomy file now lists all the OTU’s that could be identified to at least kingdom level at the specified settings. Scroll through this list and pay attention to the Identity percentage, Coverage and Taxonomy column. Notice how many fungi remain unidentified.

9. Merging BLAST table and OTU table

The representative OTU sequences have been identified. They can be merged with the OTU table in order to create one final file. Select the “Add metadata to otutable” tool to unite the BLAST original taxonomy output with the OTU table. Other settings can remain default.

After visually inspecting the resulting file, you can now download it (format is tabular). It can be imported in a spreadsheet program such as Excel as a tab-separated file and forms the starting point for ecological interpretation of the data.

10. Interpretation

For the final step we need to do some custom data processing. Download the TSV table that represents OTU table joined with the BLAST results against UNITE and load it into R with the following code (note where the input file name is specified as the first argument for the read_tsv() function).


# Function to process column names
clean_colnames <- function(x) {
  x %>%
    # Remove leading hash
    str_remove("^#") %>%
    # For columns matching C\d+P\d+, keep only that part
    str_replace("^(C\\d+P\\d+)_.*$", "\\1")

# Read and process the data
df <- read_tsv("../data/Galaxy.tabular.tsv", 
               na = "N/A",
               col_types = cols(
                 `#OTU ID` = col_character(),
                 `#Query ID` = col_character(),
                 `#Subject` = col_character(),
                 `#Subject accession` = col_character(),
                 `#Subject Taxonomy ID` = col_character(),
                 `#Source` = col_character(),
                 `#Taxonomy` = col_character(),
                 `#Identity percentage` = col_double(),
                 `#Coverage` = col_integer(),
                 `#evalue` = col_double(),
                 `#bitscore` = col_integer(),
                 .default = col_integer()
               )) %>%
  rename_with(clean_colnames) %>%
  # Set OTU ID as row names and remove the column
  column_to_rownames(var = "OTU ID") %>%
  # Filter for Fungi only
  filter(str_detect(Taxonomy, "^Fungi")) %>%
  # Ensure C\d+P\d+ columns are integers
  mutate(across(matches("^C\\d+P\\d+$"), as.integer)) %>%
  # Create sum columns for each altitude
    C1_total = C1P1 + C1P2 + C1P3,
    C3_total = C3P1 + C3P2 + C3P3,
    C5_total = C5P1 + C5P2 + C5P3,
    C7_total = C7P1 + C7P2 + C7P3
  ) %>%
  # Create presence/absence columns (1 if total > 0, 0 otherwise)
    C1_presence = if_else(C1_total > 0, 1L, 0L),
    C3_presence = if_else(C3_total > 0, 1L, 0L),
    C5_presence = if_else(C5_total > 0, 1L, 0L),
    C7_presence = if_else(C7_total > 0, 1L, 0L)

# Calculate species diversity for each altitude
diversity <- data.frame(
  Altitude = c("C1", "C3", "C5", "C7"),
  Species_Diversity = c(

# Display results
print("Species diversity by altitude:")

The deep sequence data in the full data set (we used only a subset for this practical) indicate that fungal community composition correlates most strongly with elevation, with many fungi showing preference for a certain altitudinal forest type. For example, ectomycorrhizal and root endophytic fungi were most diverse in the montane cloud forests, particularly at sites dominated by Alnus acuminata, while the diversity values of various saprobic groups were highest at lower elevations. Despite the strong altitudinal community turnover, fungal diversity was comparable across the different zonal forest types. Besides elevation, soil pH, N, P, and organic matter contents correlated with fungal community structure as well, although most of these variables were co-correlated with elevation. Our data provide an unprecedented insight into the high diversity and spatial distribution of fungi in the Yungas forests.