
Simple tree shape metrics: imbalance, branchiness

The Yule process revisited

Birth/death processes

Diversification through time

But, is net diversification rate (speciation-extinction) constant through time? We might expect ecological opportunities to arise, triggering adaptive radiations, processes that we might visualize, qualitatively, as lineage-through-time plots:

The tendency of nodes

Pybus, OG & Harvey, PH, 2000. Testing macro-evolutionary models using incomplete molecular phylogenies. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 267, 2267-2272

tree <- read.tree(text="((A:0.5,B:0.5):1,C:1.5);")
gamma <- gammaStat(tree)

# P-value for two-tailed test of deviation
2*(1 - pnorm(abs(gamma)))

# one-tailed test
1 - pnorm(abs(gamma))

Lineage-specific processes

Numerous other metrics have been developed to capture the extent to which nodes are concentrated near the tips or near the root, e.g.:

However, these metrics do not capture whether there are imbalances between lineages, e.g. because one is (heritably?) more likely to diversify:

Colless’ imbalance

Colless, DH, 1982. The theory and practice of phylogenetic systematics. Systematic Zoology 31(1): 100-104

Add up, for all (n-1) nodes in a tree with n tips, the absolute difference between the tips subtended by the child “on the left” and that of the child on the right (i.e. | TR - TL |). Then, normalize this value by dividing through the maximum value for a tree that size, which is ((n-1)*(n-2))/2

This value can be computed in R using ape and apTreeShape thusly:

tree <- read.tree(text="((A,B),C);")
aptree <- as.treeshape(tree)
ic <- colless(aptree)

I2 imbalance

Mooers AO & Heard SB, 1997. Inferring evolutionary process from phylogenetic tree shape. Quarterly Review of Biology 72: 31–54.

A perhaps reasonable critique of the IC index is that it weights “deep” nodes heavier (consider how the diff between left and right may be much higher for deep nodes than for shallow ones). An alternative index might therefore, as in this case, normalize each node right away using j = the number of tips subtended by the focal node.

Which one might compute, for example, thusly:

use Bio::Phylo::IO 'parse_tree';
$ic = parse_tree(
	'-format' => 'newick',
	'-string' => '((A,B),C);',

Empirical results for tree balance

Simulating sets of trees with different topological properties

Scott Chamberlain, of rOpenSci has developed a nice RMarkdown document that demonstrates simulating sets of trees, filtered for different tree topology metrics. See what the distributions look like if the input trees aren’t Yule but birth/death.