Functional diversity
Functional trait example: Leaf Area Index
Characters versus traits
A character applies to a feature that is homologous across species, and so the
distribution of states follows phylogeny. A trait applies to ecological function with
no strong assumption of homology.
- Characters are expected to have less homoplasy than traits
- Or, conversely, characters usually have more phylogenetic conservatism than
- Synapomorphy, autapomorphy and symplesiomorphy are relevant in character analysis
but not in functional trait analysis
Phylogenetic conservatism
- The strength of the phylogenetic signal (or, the amount of phylogenetic conservatism)
can be expressed, for example, using Pagel’s λ.
- The index λ is the MLE for branch length transformation that best fits the data. If
there is no phylogenetic signal (no covariation at all), internal branches can all be
collapsed, corresponding with λ=0.
- If there is strong phylogenetic signal, internal branches must not be collapsed, so the
MLE for λ=1.
Niche conservatism
What is a “niche”? What’s the difference between potential and realized niche? What
processes maintain the dimensions of a species’ niche?
JJ Wiens et al., 2010. Niche conservatism as an emerging principle in ecology and
conservation biology. Ecology Letters 13(10): 1310–1324
Whereas characters are selected based on the general assumption that evolutionary change
is inherently rare (i.e. “maximum parsimony”), conservatism in functional traits related
to the niche is thought to be actively maintained by natural selection.
Functional diversity of communities
NWH Mason et al. 2005. Functional richness, functional evenness and functional
divergence: the primary components of functional diversity. Oikos 111(1): 112–118
- The vertical axes represent abundance (e.g. biomass).
- The bell-shaped curves indicate the distribution of the abundance of individual species
in niche space.
- The histograms indicate the summed abundance of the species occurring in each functional
character category (i.e. equal-width sections of the functional character range).
- The vertical dotted lines indicate the amount of niche space filled by the species
- Functional richness can decrease without a change in functional evenness if the
evenness of abundance within the niche space is unchanged (going from B to A1).
- Similarly, functional evenness can decrease without a change in functional richness if
the amount of niche space filled is unchanged (going from B to C).
Functional dispersion
E Laliberté & P Legendre, 2010. A distance-based framework for measuring functional
diversity from multiple traits. Ecology 91:299-305
An example showing how the functional dispersion (FDis), i.e. the functional “spread” of
species, is computed.
- The n individual species in a two-dimensional trait space are represented by black
circles whose sizes are proportional to their abundances.
- Vector xj represents the position of species j,
- Vector c is the centroid of the n species (white square)
- zj is the distance of species j to centroid c
- aj is the abundance of species j
Panel (a)
- All species have equal abundances (i.e., presence–absence data). In that
case, c = [ci], where ci is the mean value of trait i
- FDis is the mean of distances z of individual species to c.
Panel (b)
- Species have different abundances. In that case, the position of c is
weighted by the species relative abundances, such that it shifts toward the more
abundant species.
- Individual distances z of species to c are weighted by their relative abundances
to compute FDis.
Functional turnover between communities
What are α, β, and γ diversity in this context?
NG Swenson, et al., 2011. Deterministic tropical tree community turnover: evidence
from patterns of functional beta diversity along an elevational gradient.
Proc. R. Soc. B 278(1707):877-884
A cartoon depicting the species and functional turnover between a set of four
hypothetical communities. The shapes indicate species identity and the letters indicate
the functional strategy of the species. The trait pool represents all of the functional
strategies that could potentially colonize a community.
The figure illustrates that three different ecological processes can be determined by
examining the functional and species turnover between communities simultaneously, while
analyses of species turnover alone could provide erroneous ecological inferences.
- Community A shares no species with any of the other communities and therefore
has the same species turnover from A ⟶ B, A ⟶ C and A ⟶ D.
- Community A and community B share no functional strategies. Further, the
strategies present in B are significantly more dissimilar from those in A than
expected if one were to randomly pull three strategies from trait pool. This might be
seen if an underlying environmental gradient determines species turnover and community
- Community A and community C share some functional strategies, but the functional
turnover is indistinguishable from a random pull of three functional strategies from
the trait pool. This would be expected under a stochastic model of species turnover and
community assembly.
- Community A and community D are functionally analogous and there is less
functional turnover than expected given a random pull of three strategies from the
trait pool. This would be expected where dispersal is limited but community assembly is
deterministic with respect to the environment.