4. niche clusters

Set up environment, global variables, load libraries


# XXX set working directory to script source first
REPO_HOME <- paste(getwd(), "/../", sep = "")

# names of domesticated taxa
dom.taxa <- c(
  "Bos_frontalis_gaurus", "Bos_grunniens_mutus", "Bos_javanicus", "Bos_taurus_primigenius",
  "Bubalus_bubalis_arnee", "Camelus_bactrianus", "Camelus_dromedarius", "Capra_hircus_aegagrus",
  "Equus_przewalskii", "Lama_glama_guanicoe", "Ovis_aries_orientalis",
  "Rangifer_tarandus", "Sus_scrofa", "Vicugna_vicugna"

Cluster by inverse niche overlap

# load the hclust trees based on Gower's D and Schoener's D
hclust.maxent.traits<-read.csv(paste(REPO_HOME, "/Results/maxent/comparative/gower/maxent_omi.csv", sep=""), header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
hclust.maxent.traits<- as.dist(hclust.maxent.traits)
hclust.maxent.traits<- hclust(hclust.maxent.traits)

hclust.raw.occurences<- read.csv(paste(REPO_HOME, "/Results/maxent/comparative/gower/raw_omi.csv", sep=""), header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
hclust.raw.occurences<- as.dist(hclust.raw.occurences)
hclust.raw.occurences<- hclust(hclust.raw.occurences)
hclust.maxent<- read.csv(paste(REPO_HOME, "/Results/maxent/comparative/schoener/overlap.csv", sep=""), header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
hclust.maxent<- as.dist(1-hclust.maxent)
hclust.maxent<- hclust(hclust.maxent)
# list tree files 
tree.list<- list(hclust.maxent.traits, hclust.raw.occurences, hclust.maxent)
list.names<- list("clusters.Maxent.traits.gower" ,"clusters.raw.occurences.gower" ,"clusters.Maxent.Schoener")

Partition the clustering

# instantiate results vector and transform function
for (i in 1:length(list.names)) {
# load hclust tree
hclust.tree<- tree.list[[i]]
specificity <- vector(length = 31, mode = "numeric")
make_df <- function(partitions) {
  partitions.df <- as.data.frame(partitions)
  taxa.names <- names(partitions)
  for ( j in 1:length(taxa.names) ) {
    taxon.name <- taxa.names[j]
    if ( taxon.name %in% dom.taxa ) {
      partitions.df[j,2] <- T
    } else {
      partitions.df[j,2] <- F
  names(partitions.df) <- c("cluster","domesticated")

names.plots<- list.names[[i]]
# do the partition from one for all taxa to one for each taxon
for ( i in 1:31 ) {
  partitions <- cutree( hclust.tree, k = i )
  partitions.df <- make_df(partitions)
  # count distinct clusters for domesticated taxa
  nclusters <- as.vector(unique(dplyr::select(filter(partitions.df,domesticated), cluster)))
  spec <- length(nclusters$cluster) / i
  specificity[i] <- spec

# partition the tree to the optimal number of clusters
optimum.nclusters <- which.min(specificity)
partitions <- cutree( hclust.tree, k = optimum.nclusters )
partitions.df <- make_df(partitions)

partitionsdf.name<- sprintf("%s/results/maxent/%s.csv", REPO_HOME, names.plots)

write.csv(partitions.df, partitionsdf.name)

# consecutive plot commands seem to work better when wrapped inside curly braces
  plot(specificity, type = "b", main= names.plots)
  abline(v = optimum.nclusters)

Select niche traits of greatest magnitude

omi.file.maxent <- sprintf('%s/results/OMI/normalized_MaxEnt_values.csv',REPO_HOME)
omi.file.raw.occurrences<- sprintf('%s/results/OMI/normalized_raw_values.csv',REPO_HOME)
omi.file<- list(omi.file.maxent, omi.file.raw.occurrences)
omi.names<- list("magnitudes.Maxent.probeer.csv", "magnitudes.raw.probeer.csv")

part.df.maxent<- sprintf('%s/results/maxent/clusters.Maxent.traits.gower.csv',REPO_HOME)
part.df.occurrences<- sprintf('%s/results/maxent/clusters.raw.occurences.gower.csv',REPO_HOME)
part.df<- list(part.df.maxent, part.df.occurrences)

for (i in 1:2) {
partitions.df<- read.table(part.df[[i]], header = T, sep = ',', row.names = 1)
omi.data <- read.table(omi.file[[i]], header = T, sep = ',', row.names = 1)
trait.names <- names(omi.data)[2:length(omi.data)]
trait.taxa <- row.names(omi.data)
dom.taxa.clusters <- as.vector(unique(dplyr::select(filter(partitions.df,domesticated),cluster)))$cluster
magnitude.matrix <- matrix(nrow = length(trait.names), ncol = length(dom.taxa.clusters))
partitions.df$taxon.name <- row.names(partitions.df)
csv.file<- omi.file.maxent <- sprintf('%s/results/maxent/%s',REPO_HOME, omi.names[[i]])

for ( i in 1:length(trait.names) ) {
  trait <- trait.names[i]
  for ( j in 1:length(dom.taxa.clusters) ) {
    c <- dom.taxa.clusters[j]
    ingroup <- dplyr::select(filter(partitions.df, cluster == c),taxon.name)
    outgroup <- dplyr::select(filter(partitions.df, cluster != c),taxon.name)
    ingroup.mean <- mean(omi.data[ingroup$taxon.name,trait])
    outgroup.mean <- mean(omi.data[outgroup$taxon.name,trait])
    magnitude <- abs(ingroup.mean-outgroup.mean)
    magnitude.matrix[i,j] <- magnitude
magnitude.df <- data.frame(magnitude.matrix)
names(magnitude.df) <- dom.taxa.clusters
row.names(magnitude.df) <- trait.names

write.csv(magnitude.df, csv.file)

Find cluster MRCAs

for (i in 1:length(list.names)) {

hclust.tree <- tree.list[[i]]
name.plot<- list.names[[i]]

hclust.phylo <- as.phylo(hclust.tree)
mrcas <- list()
mrcas.labels <- c('a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z', 'az', 'bz', 'cz', 'dz', 'ez', 'fz')
for ( i in 1:optimum.nclusters ) {
  tips <- dplyr::select(filter(partitions.df,cluster==i),taxon.name)$taxon.name
  l <- mrcas.labels[i]
  mrcas[[l]] <- mrca.phylo(hclust.phylo, match(tips,hclust.phylo$tip.label))

### Plot the optimal partitioning

colors <- c(

# prepare: coerce dendrogram to phylo; generate palette; instantiate edge color vector
#colors <- rainbow(optimum.nclusters)
edge.colors <- vector( mode = "character", length = length(hclust.phylo$edge.length) )

# calculate "ancestral states", for coloring the clades
anc.acctran <- ancestral.pars( hclust.phylo, as.phyDat(as.factor(partitions)), "ACCTRAN" )

for ( i in 1:length(anc.acctran) ) {
  # i is node ID in the ancestral states table
  states <- anc.acctran[[i]][1,]

  # $edge is a 2-column adjacency list, 2nd column is child, values are node IDs
  k <- match(i, hclust.phylo$edge[,2])
  if ( max(states) == 1 ) {
    j <- which.max(states)
    edge.colors[k] <- colors[j]
  } else {
    edge.colors[k] <- '#000000'

# plot the tree
  for ( i in 1:length(hclust.phylo$tip.label) ) {
    index <- match(hclust.phylo$tip.label[i], dom.taxa)
    if ( is.na(index) ) {
      hclust.phylo$tip.label[i] <- ''
    } else {
      hclust.phylo$tip.label[i] <- index
  plot.coord <- plot(
    edge.color = edge.colors, 
    type = "fan", 
    show.tip.label = T,
    edge.width = 3,
    font = 1,
    label.offset = 0.01,
    x.lim = c(-0.5, 0.5),
    y.lim = c(-0.5, 0.5),
    align.tip.label = T, 
    main= name.plot
  for ( name in names(mrcas) ) {
      node = mrcas[[name]], 
      ln.offset = 1.12, 
      lab.offset = 1.19,
      font = 1