Topological analysis
G-D Yang, P-M Agapow & G Yedi, 2017. The tree balance signature of mass extinction is
erased by continued evolution in clades of constrained size with trait-dependent
speciation. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0179553
- What happens to the signatures of mass extinctions or radiations (such as imbalance or
- Wouldn’t they eventually be swamped?
- What can we learn from simulation?
Experimental evolution using Avida
Avida is a free, open source scientific software platform for conducting and analyzing
experiments with self-replicating and evolving computer programs. It provides detailed
control over experimental settings and protocols, a large array of measurement tools,
and sophisticated methods to analyze and post-process experimental data.
Effect on tree balance of mass extinction
Change in tree balance at select time points after mass extinction episode in
communities of avida digital organisms.
- Mass extinction treatments were applied randomly and instantaneously (pulse) or by
massive environmental change over a period of time (press), at strong and weak
- The y-axis is Aldous’s β [βA] a measure of tree balance applicable to
non-dichotomous trees; a Yule expectation is around zero, while more negative values
indicate trees more imbalanced than this expectation.
- Data points are averages of 100 replicates ± 2 standard errors. Solid traces are
maximum likelihood estimates of βA, dashed traces are 95% confidence
intervals around the calculated βA estimates. βA values (with
confidence intervals) were determined using a customized version of the
function in the R package apTreeshape (courtesy M. Blum).
Tree simulation using MeSA
- The Avida analyses imply a “recovery” model until saturation, which might swamp sooner
- There is no facility to explore traits interacting with diversification
- More can be accomplished by scripting
tree simulations in MeSA
Exemplar phylogenetic trees showing change in balance and trait/rate values over time.
Branch lengths are scaled in MeSA absolute time. Tips are coloured according to trait
value ranges shown in colour scale at bottom.
- a) t = 165, trait variance approximately 1, increasing
- b) t = 320, trait variance at half-maximum, increasing
- c) t = 400, maximum variance
- d) t = 420, half-maximum, descending
- e) t = 520, variance < 1 but still strong imbalance, descending.
- f) t = 600, variance at end-simulation
Parameterization of the extinction events
Three mass extinction treatments were employed:
- Random = taxa were culled from the tree regardeless of trait value or phylogenetic
- Selective-on-diversifiers = taxa culled from the tree had the lowes trait value and
highest speciation rates.
- Selective-on-relicts = those taxa with highest trait value and lowest speciation
rates were culled preferentally.
Each of the treatments occurred at intensity:
- 90%
- 75%
- 50% of all the extant taxa in the tree
Post-simulation analysis
- NEXUS files produced by MeSA were then
manipulated in R to compute Ic values using the function
for each
tree in a time series and treatment
MESA_output files
- The treatments were coded as:
= random extinction
= selective-on-diversifiers
= selective-on-relicts
- 0.5, 0.75, and 0.9 refer to extinction intensity
- Short-dashed lines above and below the zero line indicate boundaries of inner Yule
zone; long-dashed lines indicate outer Yule zone boundaries.
- For the three treatments combined with the different intensities and the control,
Ic values were collected at points:
= pre extinction time (300
= clade-size recovery
= simulation first-quarter
= midpoint
= three-quarter point
= at the end of simulation (600
- In addition, values were collected at:
- post extinction event (
- at the CSR end-mid time (
Hypothesis tests
- Ic values were later rearranged in EXCEL and exported in txt files to be
used for the statistical analyses.
- The treatments involving a combination of extinction types and intensity were analyzed
with two-way ANOVA and Tukey-corrected multiple comparison testing, in order to see if
there are any significant treatment-by-intensity interactions.
- To test whether the various extinction treatment outcomes differed systematically from
the control and pre-treatment reference points, Dunnett’s tests were perfomed, using
either pre-treatment or the control treatment as the reference standard.
“We cannot solely use tree balance metrics to infer past history of mass extinction for
a given extant clade’s phylogeny. […] our results are a further demonstration that as
an evolving clade gets further away from a mass extinction event, subsequent evolution
can obscure and eventually erase the initial phylogenetic effects caused by the
extinction/recovery process.”