
Topological analysis

G-D Yang, P-M Agapow & G Yedi, 2017. The tree balance signature of mass extinction is erased by continued evolution in clades of constrained size with trait-dependent speciation. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0179553 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0179553

Experimental evolution using Avida

Avida is a free, open source scientific software platform for conducting and analyzing experiments with self-replicating and evolving computer programs. It provides detailed control over experimental settings and protocols, a large array of measurement tools, and sophisticated methods to analyze and post-process experimental data.

Effect on tree balance of mass extinction

Change in tree balance at select time points after mass extinction episode in communities of avida digital organisms.

Tree simulation using MeSA

Exemplar phylogenetic trees showing change in balance and trait/rate values over time. Branch lengths are scaled in MeSA absolute time. Tips are coloured according to trait value ranges shown in colour scale at bottom.

Parameterization of the extinction events

Three mass extinction treatments were employed:

Each of the treatments occurred at intensity:

Post-simulation analysis

Hypothesis tests

“We cannot solely use tree balance metrics to infer past history of mass extinction for a given extant clade’s phylogeny. […] our results are a further demonstration that as an evolving clade gets further away from a mass extinction event, subsequent evolution can obscure and eventually erase the initial phylogenetic effects caused by the extinction/recovery process.”